why advertise on a podcast?
It has been estimated that around 62% of The US Consumer Population listen to podcasts. That is at least 180 million people! And that is just in The United States. Podcasts have grown to become one of the main forms of entertainment for many people. Advertising on a podcast can be a cost effective and strategic way to get the word out about your product/project/service.
what is a podcast ad read?
An Ad Read is exactly what it sounds like. The host(s) of a podcast read an ad for a product or service. Sometimes these Ad Reads are prepared scripts (“COPY”) submitted by the advertiser.
OR, an advertiser can give a list of bullet points that they wish to be highlighted, and then the Host(s) are relatively free to create their own ad.
Ad Reads can be as short as thirty seconds, or in some cases a few minutes long. They can appear before a show (Pre-Roll), in the middle of a show (Mid-Roll), or at the end (End-Roll). Depending on the placement and length of the ad, the costs to run an ad vary.
why advertise on sequoidea?
Because all Sequoidea shows share the same ethical and moral integrity, our listeners have come to trust our opinions. They trust that we have done our due diligence and would only work with, or endorse products and services that we ourselves can stand by.
how do i know my ad is working?
It is common for an advertiser to provide a Promotional Code for their goods or services. The use of these Promo Codes give you a real time way to monitor the impact of the ad campaign.